My Baby’s Got Sauce

My Baby’s Got Sauce

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Ellen is 18 months old now and one fiery little girl. She’s tiny (less than 10% for height and weight) so people are always underestimate her age and compliment her on how well she does different things.

She has no fear. She’ll climb to the top of any slide on the playground and go down it without hesitation. She thinks she’s a big kid and is always trying to climb ladders to the cooler big kid stuff.

MonkeyShe might be part monkey. She climbs everything at lightning fast speeds and is always getting into mischief. You have to watch her or she’ll end up on top of the kitchen island eating all the fresh fruit or on top of the table pulling all the leaves off my plant.

Ready for ChurchIn our church, kids get to start going to nursery at 18 months, but the ladies that work in the nursery thought she was so adorable that they let her in a few months early. She loves playing with toys for two hours and I love not trying to make her sit still for that same period of time.

IMG_1923Every time she naps or sleeps she has to snuggle her monster that my Uncle gave her.

DadShe loves when Noel comes home. She’ll watch for him out the window and when he pulls up on his bike she bangs on the window and screeches. Speaking of screeching, she also throws the most ridiculous tantrums. The drama has already begun.

BallShe loves being outside and is VERY active. Her hair is looking more strawberry blonde lately, but she definitely has a feisty redhead personality.



3 thoughts on “My Baby’s Got Sauce

  1. Cute! She reminds me of Lydia in that she’s small and likes to climb on things. I’m glad they let you sent her to nursery early. We were able to send all our kids early and it makes all the difference. Nursery should seriously start at 15 months.

  2. She is growing up so much and is very cute! We might have two marriages in the making- Bean is small for his age as well, and he loves the out doors and his favorite thing to claim is our car.

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