Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

Last night we tried out a lovely Ethiopian Restaurant that was only a short walk away. We had a delicious utensil-less meal – which was a great cover-up for the etiquette-free-way we typically feed Cooper.  We beat the dinner rush and left satisfied.

Two hours later, we put Cooper to bed and decided to go for a quick run. As we whittled away the miles on our 5K treadmill programs, the food in our stomachs sloshed and the heat began to rise in our throats.  Needless to say, I don’t think either of us had ever been so happy to hear our son cry when Cooper’s wails reached us via our makeshift mobile to mobile baby monitor (I know we’re not the only people who do this). Both Noel and I simultaneously volunteered to rescue the baby and gladly skipped out on the final mile of our runs. From here on out we shall stick to exercising on only partially full stomachs, probably in the morning. For the record, we still highly recommend both Ethiopian food and running, just not in combination.

Side note: Previous to being pregnant I had NEVER experienced heartburn.  Just one of those fun ways having a baby changes your life 🙂

2 thoughts on “Lesson Learned

    1. We were going to run a fun trail run called the “Dirty Thirty,” but it was full by the time we tried to register. We’re shopping around for a new race.

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