Walk Score

Walk Score

Interesting tidbit: if you enter your address at walkscore.com you can get a score out of 100 indicating how walkable your neighborhood is. Our current place scores a 26, which is generous since it counts a butcher shop as a grocery store and a Truss factory as the nearest shopping destination. Our DC apartment scored a 97 (described as a “Walker’s Paradise”). I think the incredible pedestrian access is the number one thing I will miss about DC. Truthfully, I don’t know that I would want to live that close to everything on a regular basis, but we definitely want to improve our walk score when we actually purchase a home.

5 thoughts on “Walk Score

  1. I’d heard of this before, but I hadn’t searched for the website. We scored a 46, but 81% of our city’s residents score higher, it says. Thanks for the link; I’ll use it when we move.

  2. Very cool. I had never heard of this before. My place scored an 89% with 1% of Oremites having a higher walk score. It has been one of my favorite things about living here.

  3. That’s cool. We’re an 82, but I think it should be higher. It doesn’t take any of Stanford campus into account. And Stanford campus has everything: a grocery store, a gourmet grocery store, a mall.

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