Morning Workout

Morning Workout

  • Put laptop on top of television, turn on music, and take a couple laps around the basement.
  • Take phone from boy and cancel call. Put phone on top of television.
  • Step-ups with overhead press – pause in middle to chase the boy down, pull him out of the “technology room” before he gets to the wireless router, and pull door shut TIGHT.
  • Take a few more laps around the basement and haul a whining boy away from banging on the shut door.
  • Jab, cross-jab, repeat. In between sides, fetch the boy that has climbed to the top of the stairs and is now rattling the security gate.
  • Jump rope and make boy collapse in giggles. (Who knew I looked that funny jumping rope?)
  • Bicep curls while standing on one foot.
  •  Find boy at top of stairs once again.
  • Bounce boy on top of exercise ball as he giggles and giggles and giggles.
  • Take a couple of slow laps chasing the boy around the basement. Sneak up on him and make him fall over he’s laughing so hard.
  • Planks with alternating leg raises. Make faces and maintain stability even when little fingers try to make entry into nose and mouth.
  • Practice some basic step moves on the bottom step providing both cardio and a blockade to little escape artists.
  • Chase boy around the basement while doing walking lunges.
  • Call it good, climb to the top of the stairs, unlock the gate and let an eager boy through. Give the boy a handful of shredded wheat and stretch in the kitchen.
  • Find boy rattling gate at top of stairs begging to be taken back down.
  • Continue workout till 8pm when little boy falls asleep.
Cooper getting ready to smudge the front window with fingerprints and push all the buttons on the fan.
Cooper eating a cookie that was apparently too close to the edge of the table.


Cooper trying to scale the piano.
Cooper trying to get into the garbage. Luckily the kitchen one is a little too tall for him to pull stuff out of, unlike some of the others . . .


3 thoughts on “Morning Workout

  1. Love it! I’m very impressed that you can jump rope after giving birth…I embarrass myself every time I try! Also, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I love all that you’ve done with your house!

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