Five Things I Might Not Have Discovered If I Wasn’t a Parent
5. That fresh air, sunshine, and dirt really are necessities of a happy life.
4. How relaxing going to the dentist can be. I’ve always dreaded dental appointments (and I actually have pretty nice teeth so it’s completely unwarranted), but these days I look forward to anything where I just get to sit in a chair and do absolutely nothing.
3. That bedtime really is the most wonderful time of day.
2. How absolutely hilarious it is to have minions watch you while you workout.
1. That the phrase “like a kid in a candy shop” really is a great descriptor, but the phrase that really deserves to make it into our vernacular is “like a parent with a kid in a candy shop.” Or even worse, “like a lone parent with two kids in a candy shop.” Totally been there and it’s terrifying 😉
2 thoughts on “Five Things I Might Not Have Discovered If I Wasn’t a Parent”
Getting happy gas at the dentist’s is pretty relaxing 🙂 I love all the cute pictures of the kids. They are so grown up!
I love these sweethearts!