Beware the Groove
During the first 3 years of our marriage not a whole lot changed and we pretty much became expert young, married students. We knew where everything was at our favorite local grocery store (Macey’s, oh how we’ll miss you), learned how to position fans in our attic apartment to maximize coolness, and had encountered every registration problem known to occur with the infamous Registrar’s office. Then May hit and my groove got thrown off. Baby, graduation, job, and now a move to another state. It’s an adventure I’m excited to be on, but I can’t help missing the 8 hour nights of sleep, delicious cold water straight from the tap, and the quaint slope of our apartment ceiling at least a little bit. (NOTE: Friends and family were not included in this list because we miss you all more than a little bit.) Good bye Utah, hello Colorado.
Here’s a report on our adventure so far:
With the car all loaded up we left our beloved Love Grotto.
None of us really enjoyed the drive across Wyoming, Cooper was the only that actually broke down and cried about it. Our new, temporary place is really nice and considerably spacious compared to our previous residence. Although it’s nice, it kind of feels like we’re living in a hotel. Our hunt for a more permanent location has begun (how we’ll miss the days of cheap rent), wish us luck.
5 thoughts on “Beware the Groove”
what an exciting new adventure! I’m slightly secretly jealous, because I love CO and wouldn’t mind living there. If it makes you feel any better, it really feels like I’m checking into a hotel room every time I go into my apt too, because our student ID cards are our “keys” to the house. ghetto. no likey.
oh p.s., I love ‘The Emperor’s New Groove.’
Sorry we missed you guys before you left. We tried to stop by, and we hope you got the mini Cooper gift. If not, then some poor bum probably has it now. We like you new house, but we couldn’t figure out what the last appliance was. I have seen them before, but it has been so long…can’t quite remember what it does. You guys will be missed, but you are moving on to better things. Good luck on your quest to become thousandairs. Ryan and Brianna and Ellie
Thanks for the updates and fun messages. I’m wishing the best for you all on this new adventure!