Perhaps We Shall Permanently Go On Vacation
We met up in the heartland (AKA Vernal, UT) with a couple of Noel’s high school buddies over the weekend. Despite a long car ride and weather that wasn’t the most hospitable for the night we camped, we had a really good time. Cooper slept better than he does at home both nights, which was extremely nice, albeit a tad bit perplexing. We’re considering setting up our tent in the backyard with the pack-n-play as Cooper’s new permanent bedroom.
The boys were in heaven since Noel got plenty of nerd talk in with Brady and Devin and Cooper got to play with little boys his age. It was also good for me to be able to spend time around other young moms as I got to know Elisa and Becky. I of course don’t have any pictures of the Caldwells or all the little kids playing together, but we’ll just have to blame that on the insane amounts of fun we were having. The trip was shorter than we would have liked, but great times were had by all (or at least us).
2 thoughts on “Perhaps We Shall Permanently Go On Vacation”
We had a great time, too! I meant to take a picture of the three little boys, too, but didn’t think of it in time. I hope you had a good drive home (did you drive through snow flurries like us?)
what!? you were in Vernal? i guess we were probably in Salt Lake that weekend…looks like you had fun!