The Weekend

The Weekend

Sorry I’ve been such a bad blogger lately. My apologies and I promise to be better.

This weekend two very exciting things were being celebrated. The first of course was Buffalo Bill Days and the second was National Cheesecake day.

Buffalo Bill is a big deal around these parts. Golden was one of Buffalo Bill’s favorite places and he is buried here at the top of Lookout Mountain. We managed to make it to the parade. Now, you aren’t going to find any sort of amazing floats in a Golden parade, but there’s definitely a lot of spunk and character, I mean what other parade has dancing real estate agents, local vendors dressed up like Elvis, and a mortuary staff dressed like the Adam’s family.

To celebrate National Cheesecake Day we opted to not bake our own (have I mentioned we don’t have A/C or a Swamp Cooler?) and went to the Cheesecake Factory where all their slices were 50% off. It was delicious, but calorically catastrophic.

And a picture of the boy being helpful just for kicks.


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