Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy brother Spencer’s birthday was this week. He’s on a mission for our church at the moment, so we just sent him a care package in the mail. I had Cooper and Ellen draw pictures as part of Uncle Spencer’s gift and I explained to them that we were sending Uncle Spencer a special package for his birthday. Cooper’s eyes lit up as he said, “Uncle Spencer! Birthday . . . cake!” I could see the gears working in his head and I like the way the kid thinks. We’ll jump on just about any reason to try a delicious new recipe around our house, so we of course made a cake in Spencer’s honor. We tried out Smitten Kitchen’s Bee Sting Cake and like most of her recipes, it didn’t disappoint.

Cooper insisting he be fed like a baby.
Cooper insisting he be fed like a baby.
The "baby" insisting she feed herself. What are we to do with these people?
The “baby” insisting she feed herself. What are we to do with these people?


One thought on “Birthday Cake

  1. My kids are the same way…any time someone, near or far, has a birthday, they have started suggesting we make a cake. Looks like it was tasty!

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