Baby Pictures
Here are some more pictures of little Cooper since he is so popular. The last several of these photos were taken by his grandma Cindy.
These posts contain pictures.
Here are some more pictures of little Cooper since he is so popular. The last several of these photos were taken by his grandma Cindy.
We got to see our child for the first time today, and hear his/her heartbeat! Good News: Good heartrate: smack dab in the middle of normal Right on track for size There’s only one (phew) Everything’s (and everyone) is in the right place and orientation Bad News: Nothing really. Other News: Everything’s too microscopic to tell boy/girl yet. (The doc gave us a picture of what is there so far so we could hypothesize, however we are not the kind…
Two weekends ago we were privileged to attend what I like to call M.O.S.S. or the McConkie Outdoor Survival School. The destination for this test of endurance was the Grand Canyon. This wasn’t the typical camping trip I am used to from my youth. (Drive up to overlook. “Look, there it is.” Drive away.) Over the weekend we hiked a total of 27 miles. Sunday (the day of “rest”) we hiked along the North Rim five miles out to Wildfross…
For Memorial Day, Audrey and I went backpacking in Escalante. It was a lot of fun even though we got caught in the rain. Fortunately we found shelter in the canyon and it wasn’t a very narrow one. After we got out we met up with Danielle and company at Bryce Canyon for some good eats. Anyway, here are the pictures.
Even though it’s supposed to snow on Monday (boo), we changed our background to reflect our positive outlook on life and to celebrate the first day of spring (today). Additionally, Noel and I left freezing cold, snowy Logan and went down to Los Angeles, CA for our Spring Break/Anniversary. Noel went to LA on his mission (over 3 years ago . . . ) and it was his first visit back. I was excited to meet some of the wonderful…
Look mom, we have wildlife here in Utah too! I looked out the window the other day and saw these two deer in the neighbor’s backyard, one eating and the other keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
I miss the 10 year drought we were having here in Utah. We’ve seen way too much snow. We skied on snow, Shoveled snow, Bent the skid plate on our car from driving in snow, Got stuck at Danielle’s house with her smelly dog and no toothbrushes due to the snow, And returned to Logan to find that snow falling off our roof had removed the rain gutter from the house. We did, however, have a Christmas miracle. In the…
So, we ran the Top of Utah Marathon…again. This time Audrey’s parents ran it as well. My family came and cheered us all on. It was a great time. However, in case you all were wondering, it’s still a long way the second time around. I was able to keep up with Audrey for about 21 miles or so, but then she kicked in gear right about when the guy with the trumpet started playing the Rocky theme song. She…
As our last vacation of the summer, Noel and I went to Oregon with my family. Seven of us piled into my parent’s Ford Windstar minivan with all of our stuff and drove to a little coastal city called Manzanita. When we visited Fort Clatsop (a fort where Lewis and Clark stayed) and Noel used our National Parks pass to get us all in the clerk said, “Seven of you, all in the same car?” and stared at us with…
So, last weekend we went to Bryce Canyon to run their half marathon. It was a great time. We met up with our neighbors Ryan and Brianna, and his sister Julie who was running it too. Ryan got this idea to run it in a suit in honor or his brother who had just left on a mission. Apparently the whole run he had people making smart remarks to him: “Priesthood meeting isn’t until tomorrow.” “Where’s your companion elder?” etc….